Writer’s Retreat

Birds singing, leaves rustling, and the sun shining…that’s how the day began at SDCWC yesterday morning.

Over sixty men and women gathered in the halls switching classrooms between workshops, sneaking into the bookstore for a cup of coffee, a good book, or to sign up for editorial appointments.

Meanwhile, I and several others gathered together under the direction of editor, Melanie Rigney to critique each other’s work in a writers’ retreat. During this time I received a lot of wonderful feedback on the pieces of my WIP that I am grateful for. Now, to start revising and pull it all together. 🙂

Today, the schedule is no different, other than the annual St. David’s Auction this evening. It promises to be a delightful evening. All proceeds from the auction are donated toward providing scholarships towards next year’s conference.

While walking on campus it is very likely that I will run into David Pierce, David Mills, Virelle Kidder (as I plan to take a workshop with her this morning), Jim Watkins, or Linda Taylor, along with all the other wonderful writers and aspiring writers we have here this week.

So without much further ado, I’m off to chapel and fellowship here SDCWC as the second full day gets underway.

Daughter of a dairy farmer, this crafty mom has a heart for all things handmade. When she's not writing or crafting, you can find her creating memories with her family.

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